Weekly Gratitude#2: Dad

The second gratitude is for a person without whom this project simply wouldn’t be do-able: Hannah’s dad.

He’s our go-to person for any building challenge, and he enables us to do the interior mostly by ourselves, with the confidence that he’s there with guidance when we need it in technical and practical matters.

Apart from being a helper in all areas, he also is very excited about the bus, to the point of  losing sleep over it, so that we can concentrate on losing sleep by having two little boys. It’s exciting to talk about timbers, grain and routers to him. Sometimes you just get stuck in a design challenge, so having someone to bounce ideas off is priceless.

And thanks to him, we have a plethora of tools at our disposal. Having access to such a well-stocked workshop has the same effect on me as seeing Sarah’s veggie garden did on our friend Kate, who was down from Wellington this weekend, “awww, this is so AMAZING, wow, a garden like that is something I’ve always dreamed of; look at all those beautiful veggies!”. I’m pretty sure she also said “oh my gosh!”.

So thanks, Jonathan, for always being the one lying under the bus while we’re having fun creating the interior. Thanks for taking out the door, welding, gluing and riveting. For always knowing what to do, and improvising where you don’t! Thanks for looking after the boys when you’d rather be having a Sunday afternoon nap, for letting us take over your space for the last few months, and hopefully only a couple more. Thanks for reducing your hours so you could be our employee for a day a week. Really, the list goes on, so thanks for all the other things we haven’t mentioned here.

Let us be the first ones to say Happy 60th Birthday for the end of the week. We love you, you are an absolute treasure.

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